1. create database china;创建数据库
2. use china;选择数据库
3. create table t1( id int not null, name char(40), city char(40), country char(40),email char(50)) engine=Innodb charset=utf8;建表
4. alter table t1 add address char(40);增加字段
5. alter table t1 drop address;删除字段
6. create table t3 like t1;复制表
7. alter table t1 modify city char(30);更改类型
8. alter table t1 rename t2;表的重命名
9. alter table t2 convert to charset gbk;更改字符集
10.show create table t2;查看字符集是否更改
11.insert into t2(id,name,city) values(1,'刘','长沙');写入数据
insert into t2 values (3,'朱','上海','中国','123');每行都写入数据,可不写字段名
12. select* from t2;查看数据
13. update t2 set name='李' where id=1;改变第一行的名字信息
14. delete from t2 where id=3;删除表中id为四的数据
15. truncate t3;删除表中所有数据
16. create table dept( deptID int primary key, deptName varchar(32))engine=innodbcharset=utf8;建外建
17. create table stu( stuID int auto_increment, stuName varchar(32), deptID int, foreignkey(deptID) references dept(deptID), primary key(stuID) )engine=innodbcharset=utf8;
18. insert into dept select 1,'信科院';
19. insert into stu select null, '张三',1;
20. select stuName, deptName from stu, dept where stu.deptID = dept.deptID;显示跨表信息
21. 创建表的同时创建索引
create tablecourse(
cno varchar(5) notnull,
cname varchar(30)not null,
teacher varchar(20),
primary key(cno),
index cna(cname))engine=innodb charset=utf8;
22. create index sna on t2(name);向已存的表添加索引
23. drop index sna on t2;删除索引
24. create user 'gongda'@'localhost' identified by '123456';创建用户
flush privileges;刷新系统权限表
25. select host,user,password from mysql.user;显示用户信息。
26. delete from mysql.user wherer user = 'gongda';删除用户
flush privileges;也需刷新
27. set password for gongda@'localhost'=password('haha');更改密码
28. mysql -h localhost -u gongda –p;检测是否更改成功
29. grant select on liu.student to gongda@'' identified by 'haha';允许10.0.2.253连接到数据库服务器,可读取数据库liu中student表的数据。
30. grant update(name) on liu.student to gongda@'localhost';允许localhost连接到数据库,并且能修改student中的name值。
31. revoke update(name) on liu.student from gongda@'localhost';撤销用户的权限
32. show grants for gongda@localhost;查看该用户的权限